
The property is located 66 km from the city of Puerto Aysén. The vegetation that develops is mainly associated with the vegetation types ñirre forest, coigüe de Magallanes meadow with humid trees, and to a lesser extent by forest of Guaitecas cypress. The area is rich in native

The property is located 60 km from the city of Puerto Aysén. The area is composed of a surface covered by vegetation, water bodies and other surfaces without vegetation, corresponding to river boxes. Some sectors near rivers, estuaries and on small hills and slopes that are part

Rio Tabo is located 15 kilometers from the city of Puerto Aysen, its vegetation corresponds to an area of Coigue forests, tepa, among the shrub species include calafate and ferns, nalcas, among others. Regarding its fauna we can find the presence of culpeo fox, red

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