Cerro Castillo 0.5

Cerro Castillo

Property size icon Size 0.5
Property structure icon Location Cerro Castillo, Chile
Property accommodation icon Price 60,000,000 CLP

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The property is located 2 kilometers from Villa Cerro Castillo and surrounded by several surrounded by several climbing areas accessible within a few kilometers.

minutes on foot.

The magnificent Cerro Castillo gives its name to this town located in the valley of the Ibáñez River. in the valley of the Ibáñez River, has unique landscapes composed of hanging snowdrifts, intense turquoise landscapes composed of hanging snowdrifts, lagoons of intense turquoise color and beautiful lenga forests, perfect refuges for the Huemul. Cerro Castillo also stands out for its strong local identity, one of the most recognized in the recognized throughout the Aysén region.



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