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Cerro Castillo 60

Cerro Castillo

Property size icon Size 60
Property structure icon Location Cerro Castillo, Chile
Property accommodation icon Price

10.200 UF

The Key Properties 60 Há

The property is located 40 km from Balmaceda Airport, with approximately 1 km from the Blanco River.

Next to the property is the famous Travesía de las Horquetas trail, part of the Cerro Castillo National Park.

The property stands out for its fauna such as the huemul, puma, Lama guanaco, Patagonian chingue and red fox, among others.

As far as flora is concerned, there is a predominance of deciduous forests with the presence of lenga, ñirre, notro or ciruelillo and calafate.


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