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General Carrera Lake 1.5

Puerto Tranquilo

Property size icon Size 1.5
Property structure icon Location Puerto Río Tranquilo, Chile
Property accommodation icon Price

4.709 UF

The Key Properties 1.5 Há

The property is located 12 km from Puerto Rio Tranquilo and on the shores of Lake General Carrera, which is characterized by the color of its waters, always clear and turquoise, which drain into Lake Bertrand. The bay allows different activities, fishing, kayaking, canoeing, cycling circuits, among others.

Access to the property is by Carretera Austral through Cerro Castillo, and the property is close to the famous Marble Cathedrals, a sanctuary created by nature.

It has approximately 34 meters of lake shore, with a great view of the General Carrera Lake.


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