Lake Los Palos 142


Property size icon Size 142.64
Property structure icon Location Puerto Aysén, Chile
Property accommodation icon Price 390,000,000 CLP

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The property is located 11 km from Puerto Aysén, it consists of two roles, one consists of a plot of 0.6 hectares on the shore of the route X-528 with approximately 50 meters of shore of Lake Los Palos and the property of 142 hectares with more than 1.4 km of shore of Lake Los Palos.

Los Palos Lake with main tributary Tabo River and outflow of Los Palos River, which is navigable to the sea.
Water rights acquired in both lands, and registered in APR in progress for roadside lot.

The predominant species are: Magellanic evergreen forest (coigues de Magallanes), (canelo), (ciprés de las Guaitecas) and luma apiculata (arrayán). This forest is also home to a large number of mosses, lichens and ferns as well as shrubs.


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